
Jan Willem's screenshake formula

Jan from Vlambeer tweeted his formula for implementing screenshake, a popular technique in indie games to achieve juiciness.

In pseudo-code:

view_xview = viewx + random(shake) - shake/2
view_yview = viewy + random(shake) - shake/2

if shake > 0:
  shake -= 1
  shake = 0

if shake > 10:
  shake *= 0.9

In PICO-8 it translates to:

function draw_screenshake()
  local shake_x = rnd(shake) - shake/2
  local shake_y = rnd(shake) - shake/2

  -- -0.5 instead of -1 due to pico8 low-res
  shake = max(shake - 0.5, 0)

  if shake > 10 then
    shake *= 0.9

  camera(shake_x, shake_y)

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